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» About OpenLabWare
About OpenLabWare
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OpenLabWare Mission Statement and Goals
Care About the Cause? Donate!
How You Can Help
The OLW Team
Contact Us
OpenLabWare Mission Statement and Goals
The mission of MIT OpenLabWare is to provide online materials that
enhance understanding of the research process, excite students about
research at MIT and promote MIT as a creative thinking institution.
The goals of the OpenLabWare project are to:
- teach the spirit and methods of cutting edge research
- illustrate its global impact
- personalize and humanize the research process
- promote MIT labs and their staff
- promote MIT as a creative thinking institution
- excite students everywhere about research at MIT
OpenLabWare is supported by generous grants from the following funds, departments, and organizations:
- Class of 1951 Fund for Excellence in Education
- Class of 1955 Fund for Excellence in Teaching
- Class of 1972 Fund for Educational Innovation
- Class of 1999 Fund for Excellence in Student Learning
- Biological Engineering Division

- Office of Undergraduate Advising and Academic Programming
- Public Service Center
OpenLabWare thanks the journals listed below for their generosity and vision:
Each OpenLabWare module costs between $3,000 and $9,500. If you have any questions
regarding a potential donation, please contact olw-director@mit.edu.
You can donate now through the MIT Giving website: Click here to donate!
How You Can Help
OLW needs your help no matter who you are!
Information for MIT Faculty
OpenLabWare is a great way to publicize your lab's work. You will also meet one or more students
passionate about education and your research. Perhaps surprisingly, putting your research materials online is a
comparable time commitment to uploading a course to OCW.
Information for MIT Students
OpenLabWare can be a great way to get to know a professor and their research. Positions are paid. For more
information, please e-mail olw-director@mit.edu.
Information for non-MIT Affiliates
For the moment, your feedback is the best way to help: constructive criticism is much
appreciated! Send your comments to olw@mit.edu.
If you feel so inclined, you can also donate money to the project. Every little bit helps.
The OLW Team
Software Developers
- Raymond Ma
- Phitchaya Phothilimthana
- Dan Scofield
Video Production
Visual Design
- Anthony Rizos, Technology Manager
- Christopher Varenhorst, Publication Manager and Software Developer
- Ammar Jiwaji, Video Specialist
- Justin Lo, Animator
- Greg Pintilie, Animator/Video Specialist
OLW Advisory Board
- George S. Zaidan, Founder, Chair of the OLW Advisory Committee
- John M. Essigmann, MIT Professor
- The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, Director, The Dalai Lama Center
for Ethics and Transformative Values at MIT, and President, MIT
Prajnopaya Foundation
- Catherine L. Drennan, MIT Professor and Howard Hughes Medical Institute Professor
- Steven R. Lerman, MIT Professor and Chair, OCW Faculty Advisory Committee
- Anne H. Margulies, Former OCW Executive Director
Content Creators
- Joao Paulo Mattos Almeida
- Melis Anahtar
- Parama Chattopadhyay
- Ana Malagon
- Lisa Song
- Lauren McLendon
- Lisa Marshall
- Cliff Wong
- Scott Geyer
- Wenhao Liu
- Hector Hernandez
- Mustafa Dafalla
- Tharian Cherian
- Anna Wexler
Contact Us
We always appreciate your comments! As of now the only way to reach us is via e-mail: olw@mit.edu. We will do our best to respond as quickly as
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