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Development of conditions for adduct methylation (12/22/1976)

Purpose/Intro: "We have good MS and NMR data on the adduct, and it is all consistent with substitution either on the N3, N9 or most likely the N7 of guanine."
Results/Conclusion: Unclear data obtained. Methylation of guanosine and subsequent hydrolysis, which should have resulted in 7-methyl guanine, showed no peak at that compound's retention time. "It is possible that the imidazole ring opened when I made the samples alkaline."
Notes: John's hypothesis was correct: a competing lab using enzymatic (and thus alkaline) hydrolysis identified a minor aflatoxin adduct (FAPY) that is formed when the guanine imidazole ring opens in basic conditions.

PDF: See this in the notebook!
Video: Closing the Deal
Video: What is the Guanine Site of Attachment?
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